
WWE News: Astounding details on the controversial Montreal incident revealed

An incident that shook the wrestling world
An incident that shook the wrestling world

What's the story?

Former WWE referee Earl Hebner recently talked with Busted Open Radio and made a surprising revelation in regards to The Montreal Screwjob.

Hebner stated that Bret Hart was in on the whole thing from the very beginning.

In case you didn't know...

The Montreal Screwjob is widely regarded as being one of the most iconic and controversial moments in the history of professional wrestling. The incident led to Bret Hart exiting WWE on a sour note and Vince McMahon turning into one of the biggest heels in the business.

The heart of the matter

Over the course of the past several years, multiple wrestling personalities have shared their views on the incident. The general consensus has always favored the stance that Bret Hart was unaware of what was going to happen on that night. He had met Earl Hebner the night before, and the latter had promised the WWE Champion that he could trust him.

Eventually, Hebner ended up doing what Vince McMahon had told him to do, and put his job above his loyalty to Hart. More than two decades later, Hebner says that the incident was a work and Bret Hart was in on it. He said that he has been trying to protect Hart all this time, but he isn't going to lie about it anymore.

I think both of them (Shawn and Bret) knew, to be honest with you. Why would you let a man put you in your own finish?

What's next?

Following his WWE departure, Hebner has been active on the independent circuit, and refereed the NWA World Heavyweight Title match between Nick Aldis and Cody Rhodes at All In. It would be interesting to see what Bret Hart has to say in response to Hebner's comments.

Do you believe Earl Hebner? Was it all a work?

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