
WWE News: AJ Styles up for The Rock vs Vin Diesel, reveals which celebrity he'd like to face

AJ Styles would also like to get into the ring with Mark Wahlberg

Over the past couple of weeks, one of the biggest rumours flying around was that of a beef between the Rock and Vin Diesel. The Rock had earlier raised a few eyebrows when he took a jab at the Fast 8 male co-stars. It was reported that this was mainly directed at producer and co-star Vin Diesel as the two were at opposite ends of the pole on a number of production related decisions. The “Brahma Bull” went on to call him a “Candy Ass”.


This is my final week of shooting #FastAndFurious8. There's no other franchise that gets my blood boiling more than this one. An incredible hard working crew. UNIVERSAL has been great partners as well. My female co-stars are always amazing and I love 'em. My male co-stars however are a different story. Some conduct themselves as stand up men and true professionals, while others don't. The ones that don't are too chicken shit to do anything about it anyway. Candy asses. When you watch this movie next April and it seems like I'm not acting in some of these scenes and my blood is legit boiling - you're right. Bottom line is it'll play great for the movie and fits this Hobbs character that's embedded in my DNA extremely well. The producer in me is happy about this part. Final week on FAST 8 and I'll finish strong. #IcemanCometh #F8 #ZeroToleranceForCandyAsses

A video posted by therock (@therock) on

This gave way to a lot of speculation and fans wondered if this would culminate in a match at next year’s WrestleMania. Although the idea is far fetched and too good to be true, it would be a revolutionary step in the WWE-Hollywood dynamic it were to materialize. 

Next year’s Mania is set for April 2nd, 2017, in Orlando, while the latest installment in the Fast & Furious franchise drops on April 14th . A match or other in-ring interaction between the two stars would generate a lot of publicity for both WWE and Universal Studios.

AJ styles was on Dallas’ 105.3 The Fan, and said that the match could happen:

That sounds like the craziest matchup ever… so we'll probably do it!,” Styles said. When asked if he would step into the ring with a celebrity, AJ replied by saying, “ Maybe... since we're talking about actors, can we bring in Mark Wahlberg? I kinda want to matchup with this guy and see where I'm at.”

However, he wasn’t sure how he would fare against Mark. On whether he could take him, AJ said, “I don't know, that's what I want to find out... I don't know man, Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch was a pretty big deal back in the day, I was a fan.”

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