
WWE News: Becky Lynch reveals Vince McMahon's reaction to WrestleMania main event 

The Man made it clear to the boss
The Man made it clear to the boss

What’s the story?

Ever since the WrestleMania main event ended with a botch, rumours have been going about how Vince McMahon reacted to it. Some suggested that he was upset with the referee for the count, while others reported that he had fined the referee for the mistake.

Becky Lynch, however, has a different version of the story, or maybe the other half of the story. The WWE Women's champion has revealed that the chairman was just proud of the three superstars and gave them a hug after their match.

In case you didn’t know…

Becky Lynch, Ronda Rousey and Charlotte Flair went head-to-head in a triple threat match for the RAW and SmackDown Live Women's titles at WrestleMania. The ending of the match was botched as the referee counted fast and the match ended abruptly.

Reports suggest that Becky was supposed to make Charlotte tap out but instead got the win by pinning Rousey.

The heart of the matter

Becky Lynch was on the Gorilla Position podcast when she revealed Vince McMahon's reaction to the main event. She said,

“He just said he was so proud of us, He was [just] so proud of us. He did [give us a hug]. He did, yep, but I said, 'I'm The Man now, Vince' and he said, 'Yep!'”

The Man also spoke about the ending of the match and how Rousey reacted to it. She said,

“I'm happy I beat her with a wrestling move after she insulted my business. She insulted my business, and I beat her with a wrestling move. That's all we need to know, the ref counted to three and I became 'Becky Two-Belts.”

What’s next?

Lacey Evans looks set to be Becky Lynch's next opponent and a match for Money in the Banks seems to be on the cards.

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