
WWE News: Becky Lynch takes punching lessons from WWE Hall of Famer 

Becky Lynch is watching footage of The King
Becky Lynch is watching footage of The King

What's the story?

Becky Lynch has undergone a complete transformation in character ever since she dubbed herself 'The Man' and left her babyface days behind her. She has a tougher, more rugged look and demeanour.

Jerry 'The King' Lawler recently revealed on his 'Dinner With The King' podcast that she asked him for advice on how to make her punches seem realistic. Thanks to Wrestling Inc. for the quotes.

In case you didn't know...

Jerry 'The King' Lawler is best known for being the voice of the Attitude Era. But long before that, he was the face of Memphis Wrestling and had a celebrated career long before he ever stepped foot in the WWE.

Lawler often makes cameos for WWE, doing commentary for the bigger events.

The heart of the matter

Becky Lynch and Jerry Lawler have always been acquaintances but never close friends. Therefore he was stunned when she came running up to him and said she had been binge-watching videos of him, to be more physical:

And [Lynch] says, ‘Because actually, Vince McMahon told me not long ago that he wanted me to be more physical, and I just thought, who throws the best punch in the business? And that’s, The King. So I’ve been watching you – been watching your matches for the last two weeks, over and over. How do you do it?

Lawler was stunned by the question because he'd never really thought about it. He offered the following advice:

And I told her…I would try to throw a punch sort of in the same way if you were in a real fight, where you would hit somebody. I would throw a punch right at somebody’s nose, right at their jaw or something like that, their mouth or whatever. And I don’t know, I would try to make my fist not be so rigid and hard, as if I were gonna try to knock somebody out. I would always make my fist in to, like, a shock-absorber.

What's next?

Becky Lynch is scheduled to be on RAW at Stephanie McMahon's behest. Another confrontation with Ronda Rousey may be in order. Be sure to catch our Best and worst series shortly after the show!

Does Becky Lynch throw better punches than others in the WWE Women's Division? Let us know in the comments section below.

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