
WWE News: Chris Jericho knocks drink out of fan's hands

Unmoved and unrepentant

There is no disputing how well Chris Jericho can get under the skin of whatever character he’s playing – face, heel or Devil’s Advocate. The Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla is one of the best mic workers to have stepped into a WWE ring and is known to push the envelope just for his gimmicks’ sake.

At WWE Roadblock, Y2J managed to earn the ire of not just every fan in the arena, but quite possibly every Canadian with his tirade. He even ripped up a banner saying “Get well soon, Bret”, just to exhibit the depth of his heel character.

The very next night at a WWE Live Event in Erie, Pennsylvania, Y2J reportedly knocked a drink out of a fan’s hands, spilling it onto her and the adjacent attendee. Any questions if it was accidental will be answered by Jericho’s tweet, courtesy of allwrestlingnews.com:

The fan, whose name we’ve gleaned is Ashley, apologized to the other fan (named Ann, we surmise) for spilling the drink on her. Jericho’s defeated Jack Swagger in the match and the latter apparently offered to make it up to Ashley by replacing the drink. 

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