
WWE News: How Brexit can affect WWE

Vince McMahon could have cleverly insulated himself from the Brexit fallout

It’s been well publicised the far-reaching implications that Brexit could have on the sport of football, but could the WWE be affected as well?

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(table courtesy of WrestlingInc.com)

According to the statistics reflected on the table, the UK is the second largest consumer of the WWE outside of North America, and their contributions towards the WWE coffers have only been on the up over the past few years.

That being said, it would have been completely natural if a cause for concern regarding the adverse ramifications the devaluation of the Pound, as a result of Brexit, could have on the UK’s consumership.

But apparently, there is no basis for worry as the lucrative 5-year television deal that the WWE signed with BSkyB was drawn up in US Dollars, and not British Pounds.

A similar situation arose in the WWE’s deal with Cable Thai Holdings, which was disputed over and settled earlier this year in court. It was revealed that even in that case, the contract drawn up had mentioned that all payments to the WWE would be in US Dollars.

A similar clause was inserted in WWE’s UK tie up as well, ensuring that Brexit wouldn’t put a dent on their income. 

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