
WWE News: Hulk Hogan calls Kevin Owens the future of the WWE

Hulk Hogan wants you to believe that Kevin Owens is the future of WWE

Kevin Owens has received mixed responses from fans and past wrestlers alike after his KOronation as the WWE Universal Champion. Most of the hardcore wrestling fans chanted “You deserve it” even as he kept true to his heel persona and said that he did not need them to say it. There were some, however, who were not impressed by WWE creative’s choice to move forward with Owens as champ.

But now Owens is receiving support from Hulk Hogan. Hogan was the face of the company throughout the 80s and early 90s. Despite his recent reputation, Hogan still is one of the most recognizable and polarizing characters in the world of wrestling. And if there is one thing he knows about, it’s the wrestlers that will sell out arenas.

The WWE Hall of Famer spoke to ESPN about the new WWE Universal Champion Kevin Owens and said that he was the future of WWE. He said:

“This kid Kevin Owens, no matter how he looks physically and no matter what you think about him, when he walks out, he’s over in such a weird way.”

It would be very encouraging for Owens when a superstar like Hulk Hogan comes out in favor of him. Keep in mind that Hogan ruled the main event picture at a time when the WWE roster consisted of giants and strongmen such as Andre the Giant, Big John Studd, Bundy, Macho Man and the Ultimate Warrior. For him, to support a man such as Owens who does not fit that typical pro wrestler mould is in fact, a sign of the changing times.

Hogan is spot on to observe that Kevin Owens is over with the crowd despite his heel persona. Even this past  Monday night on RAW, he had to ask the fans to stop chanting “You deserve it” because they were apparently making his moment about themselves. Hogan said that this run as a heel would one day make him one of the greatest babyfaces on the roster.

Hogan pointed out that Owens is a smart worker in the ring. He understood heat and knew how to react to it. He can control the flow of the match and keep the babyface down until it is the right time for the face to make a comeback in the match.

Hogan said that Owens is good enough to make the babyface look good. Keeping the babyface down would make him more sympathetic and when this babyface would make a comeback, the crowd would pop. Hulk said that Owen would be an interesting and entertaining champion to watch as he defends the title against babyfaces.


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