
WWE News: Jim Cornette on Kevin Owens’ title reign, why WWE writing is ludicrous and more

Jim Cornette is not very fond of Kevin Owens but conceded the fact that he is a hard worker

Jim Cornette was recently interviewed by Total Wrestling Magazine for their latest print issue. The renowned manager and booker spoke about a number of issues, including WWE Universal Champion Kevin Owens and the writing within the WWE.

Cornette has always been a vocal critic of Kevin Owens, given the fact that the two did not gel well during their days in Ring Of Honor. Speaking on Owens’ win on Monday Night RAW when he became the Universal Champion, Cornette said that he had worked hard for the title. Cornette said:

“Everyone tweeted me the next day saying things like ‘I bet Cornette is hanging himself in his closet’ or ‘suck on this’ just like I’m committing suicide because he won a belt. I mean – he’s worked hard, they put the belt on the Miz at one point – if I didn’t hang myself when they put the WWE title on the Miz, I’m certainly not going to do it when they put the belt on Owens.”

Cornette also took a shot at the creative team in WWE. He went on to describe the way that Superstars are booked in the WWE. He revealed that the writer would come up with plans for people and then look for some Superstar that fit that description. 

Cornette emphasised that instead of going with the Superstar that the WWE Universe was behind, the writers instead push someone else who is already in their mind. He termed it as one of the primary reasons that the fans did not relate to the current product.

Cornette then went on to say that it was the wrestlers that bore the brunt of the situation, ultimately getting buried even after getting over with the fans on their own:  

The writers have ‘ideas for people’ and try to find people who ‘look like’ those people. Instead of saying – ‘okay, people seem to like this guy, let’s run with him’ they’ve already figured out what they want to put out there, they just need to find someone to play him. It’s ludicrous. It’s why people don’t connect, and when they do connect, it’s for something the writers didn’t expect. So they get mad and bury the poor guy.”

The truth in Cornette’s statement is evident if we look at the careers of men like Zack Ryder, Damien Sandow and Cesaro. All of these men got over with the fans, without any help from the creative team and yet never received the push that they deserved.

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