
WWE News: Ongoing concussion lawsuit takes a another big twist

The concussion lawsuit is entering its next phase

What’s the story?

As reported by EWrestlingNews, the judge involved in WWE’s concussion lawsuit has ordered settlement discussions in the United States District Court of Connecticut. This issue has been ongoing since the summer with numerous former talents being involved with the lawsuit.

In case you didn’t know...

WWE have been attempting to rectify their concussion issues for years now, dating all the way back to Chris Benoit’s double murder suicide. The company have banned head shots since then, in addition to putting a set of rules in place that will hopefully prevent concussions from occurring in the near future. Unfortunately, it may have been too late for some of these superstars.

The heart of the matter

Judge Bryant ordered that the lawyers meet with their clients regarding possible settlement offers, with the court throwing out all of the claims made against WWE except for one: that they were “fraudulent with passing on their knowledge of potential head injuries that could happen from performing as a professional wrestler for the company”.

 The reason this was still withstanding was that the court felt it was still a possibility.

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What’s next?

It seems as if the lawsuit will be coming to an end sooner rather than later, however, WWE are likely going to pay for it – quite literally. Things could’ve been a lot worse for Vince and co but it still isn’t an ideal situation, with the company hoping to sweep this under the rug as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Author’s take

In all honesty, it never really felt like this case received enough attention to warrant extensive worry from the WWE Universe and although it’s bad publicity for them, it’s nowhere near as bad as it could’ve been. If you need an example of how close things can come to complete disaster, go and read up on the steroid trial from the 90s.

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