
WWE News: Kevin Owens claims that he would love to win the WWE Championship

Kevin Owens as the WWE Universal Champion
Kevin Owens as the WWE Universal Champion

What’s the story?

Former WWE Universal Champion Kevin Owens recently spoke with Ben Flanagan of AL.com and during his interaction with Flanagan, Owens commented on a possible WWE Championship win in the future despite winning the Universal Title in the past.

In case you didn’t know…

At this year’s Royal Rumble pay-per-view Kevin Owens and his tag team partner Sami Zayn have the opportunity of a lifetime when they step into the ring with “The Phenomenal One” AJ Styles in a 2-on-1 WWE Championship match.

Owens himself is a former WWE Universal Champion and is the second ever superstar to hold the Raw exclusive Championship. “The Prizefighter” won the championship back in 2016 when he outlasted four of the top stars in the WWE roster today, in the form of Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, and Big Cass. However, Owens’ Universal Title reign is considered as one of the worst World Championship reigns in recent WWE history and the former NXT Champion dropped the title to Goldberg last year at the Fastlane pay-per-view.

The heart of the matter

During Owens’ interaction with Ben Flanagan, he stated that to him the WWE Title and the Universal Title are the same things as they are considered as the top championships of the two respective brands in the WWE. Owens claimed that he would indeed love to hold the WWE Title because winning the WWE Championship automatically makes oneself the top superstar of the WWE.

Additionally, the former Intercontinental Champion said that winning the WWE Title is an accolade that everyone wants to win. Owens further talked about his Universal Championship reign and also claimed that it is one of the biggest highlights of his career so far.

“I was Universal Champion, and I’m very proud of that, and that’s always going to be a highlight of my career. But of course, I want to be WWE champion, just like I want to be tag team champion eventually.”- Owens stated.

What’s next?

Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn now have the advantage ahead of their 2-on-1 handicap WWE Title match against AJ Styles at the Royal Rumble pay-per-view which takes place at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, on the 28th of January.

Author’s Take

After such a disappointing Universal Championship reign, I certainly hope that Kevin Owens gets to win the WWE Title in the near future and personally, I would also love to see the duo of Owens and Zayn capture the Smackdown Live Tag Team Championships later this year.

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