WWE News: Kevin Owens drops a pipe bomb on Shane McMahon for his overbearing presence on WWE TV

After an altercation occurred between Kevin Owens and Dolph Ziggler in the parking lot before SmackDown Live, Shane McMahon essentially cancelled their main-event match. Owens was then kicked out of the parking lot by the SmackDown Live Commissioner.
But not one to be told what to do, Owens made his way back to the arena and grabbed a microphone. And with that, The Prize Fighter dropped a Pipe Bomb on Shane O'Mac for all of his abuses of power since WrestleMania 35.
He yelled at McMahon that it was an insult to every hard-working wrestler in the back and around the world when he calls himself The Best in the World. He also blamed McMahon for taking away TV time from talented stars like Ali, Asuka, Buddy Murphy and many others.
Shane would make his way out to the ring, calling for Owens' mic to be cut multiple times. As he has borrowed The Stunner from Stone Cold Steve Austin, Owens also borrowed the Texas Rattlesnake's hatred of McMahons as he got his thoughts off of his chest. The audience cheered for Owens throughout the segment.
Owens grabbed another mic and continued to lambaste Shane O'Mac. Once again, however, McMahon called for the mic to be cut off. Owens continued his justifiable tirade after he ripped off the headset of Byron Saxton. It wasn't until McMahon called for security that Owens hopped the barrier and decided to strategically retreat.
The verbal lashing of McMahon is an easy way for WWE NEWS to put what fans are feeling through the words of a character. KO had a short run as a Babyface around 'Mania, but after butting heads last week with McMahon and Ziggler, he might be getting another shot at a face run.
Owens is among the most talented overall performers in WWE and his ability on the mic combined with telling the truth could help propel him forward.
Now that McMahon and Drew McIntyre have a big match at Extreme Rules this Sunday, will Owens interfere to make more of a point to Shane McMahon? With the 'No Holds Barred' stipulation attached to the match, expect a few Superstars interfering in the self-proclaimed Best In The World match.
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