
WWE News: Kevin Owens hints he was the one to attack Hideo Itami at NXT TakeOver: Unstoppable in 2015

Who did attack Hideo Itami three years ago?
Who did attack Hideo Itami three years ago?

What's the story?

WWE is full of little mysteries, who was the Anonymous RAW General Manager? What is in Shane McMahon's lock-box? But one unresolved question seems to have been answered, which was who attacked Hideo Itami to remove him from the NXT Title #1 Contender match at NXT TakeOver: Unstoppable.

In case you didn't know...

NXT TakeOver: Unstoppable opened with a #1 Contendership match between Finn Balor and Tyler Breeze, which Balor would go on to win. However, the original match was supposed to be a Triple Threat match with Hideo Itami also included.

Itami suffered a shoulder injury at the time, so he needed to be written off of television, obviously unable to compete in the match. So the WWE ran a backstage attack segment with Itami being viciously assaulted by an unknown attacker. The identity of said attacker has never been revealed.

The heart of the matter

One of the prime suspects in the assault on Itami was then NXT Champion Kevin Owens who was 'spotted' nearby during the time the attack took place. Although this storyline never went anywhere and the person who injured Itami was never revealed, until now.

Glenn Rubenstein mentions the storyline on Twitter and asks if it was ever revealed whodunit? He also stated he always assumed it was Kevin Owens that was responsible

Naturally, Kevin Owens, who is 'currently playing the role of a baby-face being treated unfairly by management' on SmackDown Live, took to Twitter to deny the allegation and offer his condolences that such an attack occurred.

Okay. So obviously it was Kevin Owens. He's a scoundrel through-and-through. We can all move on now.

What's next?

Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn are best friends and both have a 20% of winning the WWE Title at Fastlane, the upcoming SmackDown brand-exclusive pay-per-view, with AJ Styles, Dolph Ziggler and Baron Corbin

Author's take

The only mystery I now care about is who threw the pie at Kevin Owens' face in 2016. The greatest unsolved crime in the history of WWE

Will there ever be justice for Owens?

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