
WWE News: Kevin Owens reveals the moment which made him question his place in WWE

Kevin Owens
Kevin Owens

What's the story?

Kevin Owens is undoubtedly one of WWE's top Superstars, facing the best talents on the roster including a debut feud with John Cena.

Since WrestleMania 33, however, Owens admits he has struggled to find his true self in WWE, and in a new, candid interview on Lilian Garcia's Chasing Glory podcast, KO reveals that he questioned his place in the company after his bout at WrestleMania 33 was poorly received by Vince McMahon.

In case you didn't know...

Both Kevin Owens and his WrestleMania 33 opponent Chris Jericho have revealed in interviews that Vince McMahon reportedly "hated" their match at WrestleMania 33, a reaction which confused both KO and Y2J.

During a documentary special which aired on WWE Network covering Kevin Owens, footage is shown of Owens returning to the Gorilla Position after his WrestleMania 33 match against Chris Jericho, and when Owens asks Vince McMahon if they are "good" following the match, McMahon responds by simply and coldly saying, "no."

The heart of the matter

During a new interview on Lilian Garcia's Chasing Glory podcast, Kevin Owens revealed more details about the interaction he had with Vince McMahon immediately following his WrestleMania 33 match, noting:

"I think a lot of it needs to stay between Vince and I actually, to be honest, but it wasn’t just that night," said Owens, h/t to 411Mania.com for the transcription. "There was so much over the months that happened after that that made me question myself as a performer, maybe question my place in WWE, and then ultimately affected my life in every aspect because I’m so passionate about this."

Owens went on to admit that his first two years on the WWE main roster were great, and he achieved much success working with the likes of John Cena, Dean Ambrose and Sami Zayn, but he felt like everything switched for him in WWE after his match at WrestleMania 33.

"Because I was trying to find myself, after WrestleMania, after that match, I tried to kind of change things about my personality or my character or whatever, and even the way I wrestled, to be more in line with what the company needed me to be or the show needed me to be, but it was hard because I wasn’t finding it," Owens added.

What's next?

During this week's episode of WWE Smackdown Live, Kevin Owens attacked Dolph Ziggler at the end of the show, appearing to turn babyface. If WWE does indeed allow KO to make the full babyface turn, it will be his first run as a face on the main roster, and maybe he will find what he believes has been missing from his character.

How do you feel about Kevin Owens possibly turning babyface in WWE? Let us know in the comment section!

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