
WWE News: Kurt Angle Reveals His Thoughts On Shane McMahon Winning The World Cup

What did Angle think about this controversial victory?
What did Angle think about this controversial victory?

What's the story?

The WWE Universe was stunned when Shane McMahon won the WWE World Cup at the Crown Jewel pay-per-view. Kurt Angle was asked his views about it in a recent Facebook Question and Answer session with fans.

I would like to thank Wrestling Inc. for the heads up. One must keep in mind that the two men are on different brands with Survivor Series approaching.

In case you didn't know...

The WWE World Cup tournament was set up to crown the best in the world. Dolph Ziggler and The Miz were the two finalists from their brands, who met for a singles match.

Also Read: WWE Rumor Mill: Reason why Shane McMahon won WWE World Cup

Unfortunately, The Miz was deemed unfit to compete in the finals. Shane McMahon stepped in and would win the tournament against Dolph Ziggler. He was crowned as the best WWE Superstar in the world, much to the dismay of the WWE Universe.

The heart of the matter

Kurt Angle has certainly been impressed by Shane McMahon, after having gone to war with him in the past. He had this to say about McMahon winning the prestigious tournament:

Shane has proven himself to be a great sports entertainer. I would have preferred him to earn the World Cup Title by wrestling in the tournament though.

Angle revealed what's next for him as well, in terms of returning to the ring. He is certainly looking to wrestle a lot more:

I don't know. I do want to wrestle more. I just started wrestling again so it's going to take a few matches before I get the kinks out, especially being older now. I'm hoping I get a little bit more consistent wrestling in the future. Either way, I love contributing. We will see.

What's next?

Brand warfare is up next, with Survivor Series approaching. The two men will be on two different brands, however, the teams eventually pan out. Maybe the two men will even come to blows...

Do you think Shane McMahon is the best in the world? Let us know in the comments below.

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