
WWE News: Lacey Evans reveals why people hate her character

Lacey Evans is a highly skilled and intelligent performer
Lacey Evans is a highly skilled and intelligent performer

In an appearance on Busted Open Radio, WWE Superstar Lacey Evans opened up on a myriad of topics.

Notably, Evans maintained kayfabe, and put forth several assertions whilst playing up her "Sassy Southern Belle" character.

The talented Superstar has made a name for herself in the professional wrestling community since late 2018, by rising from the NXT ranks to make a huge impact on WWE's main roster shows.

Evans pursued the RAW Women's Title in a feud against Becky Lynch, and despite coming up short, has been lauded for her athleticism and character presentation in the aforesaid feud.

Opening up on why most fans hate her on-screen character, Evans stayed true to her "Sassy Southern Belle" character and asserted that they're simply jealous of her.

The RAW Superstar added that she's a legitimate role model and the epitome of what every woman should be. Evans alluded that the naysayers can't conduct themselves with class like she does, owing to which they hate her.

Furthermore, Evans pointed out that despite having no prior experience in the world of sports-entertainment, she's confident enough to perform in the WWE, be it on the microphone or in the ring. She also took a jibe at Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair's on-screen characters, noting that they aren't half as good as she is, and stated --

"It's going to (take) time -- Time in this business and learning how to do what it is that is expected of me with all of this light. However, one thing I have going for me is confidence. No matter what the reviews are for any match that I have with anybody, I am not going anywhere."
"I am going to continue to learn. And I will be the first to tell you that my in-ring work, my promo work, you name it; is not somebody that has been doing this for ten plus years." (*H/T Sportskeeda for the transcription)

Moreover, Evans emphasised she's well aware that she still has a lot to learn, but is confident enough that she'll be able to do so and keep improving.

RAW Superstar Lacey Evans is expected to continue being featured as a prominent performer in the Women's Division in the days to come.

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