WWE News: Lilian Garcia mourns the death of her father who lost a battle to cancer on Christmas day
Retired ring announcer Lilián Annette Garcia recently broke the sad news of her father’s demise on her Instagram page. Eduardo Garcia, her father, was a retired U.S. Army Luitenent Colonel, who was battling cancer before passing away on the Christmas Day.
Garcia recently sang the Star Bangled Banner at the Tribute for Troops, in the honour of her father. Take a look at her Instagram post below:
On Christmas Day, heaven welcomed an extraordinary angel in my father, U.S. Army Retired Lt Colonel - Eduardo Garcia. My father fought the battle of his life against terminal cancer giving it all that he had. He was a true soldier to the very end. I’ve been questioning why my dad had to go on Christmas day but this morning, I realized what a truly special gift it was. My father loved Christ, so to go on Christ’s birthday is the biggest blessing ever! And as my father loved to sing and dance, a memory beautifully engrained forever in my mind will be that of the velvet ropes parting for him to join the glorious heavenly party! I feel so fortunate to have had so many amazing years with such an incredible man. He shared many special lessons with me. He taught me to be strong yet be ok with showing vulnerability, be happy yet don't shy away from sadness, be yourself & always do it with pride, be organized yet be ok with a mess every now and then, go for your dreams - the sky is the limit, embrace failures as learning’s to succeed, be determined by jumping through challenges like an obstacle course, be compassionate to others and love with your whole heart even if that love doesn't necessarily face you back, above all, don’t take life so seriously, so laugh, laugh, laugh and smile at the world a whole lot! My entire family truly thanks all of you for all your prayers along this tough journey. They made a HUGE difference!! To honor him, we ask that, if your heart chooses, to please donate to Fisherhouse.org . Their mission is to provide a network of comfort homes where military and veterans’ families can stay at no cost while a loved one is receiving treatment. As a veteran, my father saw the importance of helping soldiers and their families who weren’t quite as fortunate as him, so my family is committed to continuing his cause. Thank you dad for the honor and privilege of being your daughter and for the endless love you gave me. I already miss you so much but know that you will forever be in my heart! I salute you sir! We toast to you, our true inspiration! Te amo papa!
On 1st August 2016, the 50-year-old announced her departure from WWE, as she wanted to take care of her ailing father. Mr Eduardo Garcia was battling two different unidentified types of cancer. Garcia made a one-night appearance on Tribute for Troops which was held on December the 14th.
The event is annually hosted to honour and entertain United States Armed Forces members that serving in Afghanistan and Iraq. We at Sportskeeda offer our condolence to the family of Lilian Garcia in these tough times.
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