
WWE News: Lio Rush talks about heat for the offensive tweet after Emma's release

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Lio Rush remains one of WWE's hottest prospects

What's the story?

NXT Star, Lio Rush recently released a music video for his debut single "Money Money" today along with Drett1, a childhood friend of his. He spoke with ESPN and talked about his new venture as well as his professional wrestling career with WWE. 

During the interview, he talked about the heat he received for the ill-timed tweet following Emma's release from the company. The tweet was seen to be unprofessional and drew criticism from fans and senior talent. 

In case you don't know...

Emma's run in the company came to an end in October, when the company announced that her run in the company had officially come to an end.

Her run in NXT had been promising, where she had shown all the makings of a future star. Unfortunately for her, an ill-timed injury during her time on the main roster took her out of the proceedings. When she did return, it was to a new gimmick. For months WWE teased her debut as the newly repackaged Emmalina. When she finally appeared, it was to announce that she would make the transition from Emmalina to Emma. There are rumours, that the entire repackaging was to punish her for her outspoken behaviour on social media.

Finally, as Emma, she had a few months with the company in her original villainous persona. Her time came to an end after she was released following a defeat to Asuka. 

The heart of the matter

In response to Emma's release, Lio Rush took to Twitter to make fun of her, saying that these things happened when people were not ready for Asuka. 

Lio Rush's tweet on Emma's release
Lio Rush's tweet on Emma's release

The tweet was not received well, and WWE stars and fans took exception.

During the interview, Rush talked about the response to his tweet as well as the repercussions. He said that it was tough to see people turn on him, after working so many years on creating an image. He went on to say that he had made his apologies and that there was nothing more for him to do.

He ended the topic by saying, 

"'a mistake shouldn't be your attacker, it should be your teacher'. I've definitely learned from that situation. I definitely have not let that situation change the pacing of me succeeding in anything."

What's next?

Lio Rush has released his debut single and will look to continue his career in music. In the meantime, he will have to focus on getting his WWE career back on track.

Author's take

In the world of wrestling, a lot depends on the mutual respect that is present between wrestlers. Without respect, there is nothing. Lio Rush seems to have taken the hard route in learning that.

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