
WWE News: Pat Patterson claims that Vince McMahon will never retire

Vince McMahon sharing a lighter moment with Pat Patterson

Legendary WWE Hall of Famer Pat Patterson recently gave an interview to News Week to promote his book, “Accepted: How the First Gay Superstar Changed WWE”, in which he detailed a lifetime of strife and achievement in the pro-wrestling business that has seen him widely acknowledged as one of its finest minds.

An interesting nugget of information that he dropped in that interview pertains to Vince McMahon himself, someone that he is close friends with.

When quizzed about whether Vince McMahon would ever consider stepping away from the business so as to allow someone else to take the reins, Patterson replied in the negative, saying that the Chairman would never even consider it.

He even detailed a joke that he would tease him with, calling him a workaholic that would could never really stop getting involved.

He was also asked about whether he was privy to the Montreal Screwjob before it had happened, to which Patterson replied that he hadn’t been. He had, in fact, been furious when he heard of it and even left the arena to compose himself with a couple of drinks at the hotel.

However, Patterson realised that his actions would have made it seem like he was hiding so he made his way back to the arena to try and pacify Bret Hart. Regardless, Hart wouldn’t talk to him for a couple of years and the Hall of Famer claimed that it hurt him that things turned out that way.

He also opened up about a host of other topics, including how people treated him once he came out, and if he received any negativity from the locker room. He also weighed in on Roman Reigns’ wellness policy violation and being responsible for inducting The Rock into the business.


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