
WWE News: Renee Young reacts to idea of co-hosting Talking Smack with Paige 

Now, this is an idea nobody will mind
Now, this is an idea nobody will mind

What's the story?

Glenn Rubenstein of Wrestling Inc. proposed an idea on Twitter recently that took the internet world by storm. He suggested that WWE bring back Talking Smack with Renee Young co-hosting the show with brand new SmackDown General Manager, Paige!

Renee Young happened to see this message and post a Tweet of her own. She echoed the sentiment of the Twitterati and agreed that it was a mighty fine idea.

In case you didn't know...

Talking Smack was a talk show that aired after SmackDown Live and was hosted by Renee Young with the former SmackDown General Manager, Daniel Bryan. It gave WWE Superstars a chance to showcase their personalities in a non-scripted environment.

The show was taken off the air because of low viewership numbers. Since then, fans have been very vocal about how much they enjoyed the show while it was on air and have constantly requested WWE to bring back the show once again.

The heart of the matter

Daniel Bryan is back to being a full-time wrestler and Paige has taken his spot as General Manager, so it only stands to reason that she would make the ideal host for Talking Smack if the show were to return.

Paige has a lot of personality and can also deliver a fantastic promo. She would be able to add a lot of colour to the show with her mere presence, in our opinion.

What's next?

We wait patiently for WWE to heed Renee Young's words and bring the show back once more. The current roster does need the show desperately. They could get their personalities over to a great degree through Talking Smack.

Author's take

After all that has happened to her, it was heartwarming to see Paige being made General Manager of SmackDown Live, shortly after announcing her retirement from in-ring competition. I hope she can come back to the ring someday, just like Daniel Bryan did.

Shout out to Glenn Rubenstein for the fantastic idea!

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