
WWE News: Renee Young wants to be part of WWE Evolution 

Renee Young wants to be an active part of Evolution
Renee Young wants to be an active part of Evolution

What's the story?

Renee Young recently tweeted about WWE Evolution and has expressed her desire to be part of the show along with a number of other women.

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In case you didn't know...

Renee Young has been the led female broadcaster in WWE for the past five years and has experience working as a commentator from her time in NXT when she would join the announce team for the women's matches on the show.

Young works as the host for all WWE preshows currently but there were rumors last year that Young could be looking to play a physical role in the company in the future since she stated in an interview that she would work in any way that WWE wanted her to, before she became an active part of the feud between Dean Ambrose and The Miz.

The heart of the matter

Sadly, Renee Young won't be one of the 50 women who are part of the Evolution pay-per-view on October 8th, instead, she has been pushing for WWE to allow her to be part of an all-female commentary team.

Former WWE Diva Summer Rae then Tweeted that she thought it would call for an all-female commentary team, which Young stated that she was definitely open to being part of.

Obviously, the current backstage interviewer accidentally tweeted a spelling error, so she took the time to correct herself in the following Tweet.

What's next?

Renee Young is one of the only women who work on both SmackDown and Raw on a regular basis and is expected to reprise her role as pre-show host for SummerSlam next month, but it would be interesting to see her in a new role at the first ever Women's pay-per-view.

Would you like to see an all-female commentary team at Evolution? Have your say in the comments section below

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