
WWE News: Roman Reigns takes a shot at 'part timers' 

Roman Reigns did not hold back at all
Roman Reigns did not hold back at all

What's the story?

Days before Roman Reigns squares off against Brock Lesnar for the Universal Championship, he was interviewed by New York Post and asked about everything pertaining WrestleMania 34. We thank WrestleZone for the heads up and the quote.

The golden boy of WWE took a cheap shot against part-timers on the roster, taking up spots around WrestleMania time. He also mentioned how full-time champions are best for business.

In case you didn't know...

Roman Reigns won the Elimination Chamber and now faces off against Lesnar, who has been the Universal Champion since WrestleMania last year. The whole story has been based around Reigns calling out Lesnar for being a part-timer, and Lesnar not showing up week after week.

The commonly held belief is that Reigns will defeat Lesnar for the Championship, and Lesnar will go off to UFC for yet another run.

The heart of the matter

Reigns mentioned why it was necessary to speak out against part-timers dominating the card during WrestleMania season, year after year:

Some people need to hear this stuff because this has kind of been a thing. Brock’s not the only part-time guy. But there are a lot of full-time guys that are never gonna, as a collective, reach our potentials if we are dominated in this portion of the year by part-time guys.

He went on to add how a full-time champion is always better for business, in the long haul:

Whenever you have a champion who is on every single live event, every single house show, every single appearance that’s scheduled, it changes numbers. It’s true. I’ve seen it before. The tour we had after I beat Triple H in Dallas [at WrestleMania 32] the numbers didn’t lie and it’s not going to be any different [this time].

What's next?

WrestleMania is just days away. We can already feel the excitement kicking in. This year features a stacked card, including Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar.

Author's take

I wholeheartedly agree with Roman Reigns. When superstars such as Matt Hardy, Baron Corbin and Dolph Ziggler cannot get singles matches, there is a problem.

I do hope to see The Universal Champion on every episode of RAW following WrestleMania.

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