
WWE News Roundup: Veteran announces retirement match, Former champion claims to be the original "The Rock", Hall of Famer breaks silence on rumored return

Welcome to the latest edition of Sportskeeda Wrestling's daily WWE News Roundup, where we look at some of the most recent top news stories from the world of sports entertainment.

A former champion has made a massive claim that he was originally supposed to be "The Rock" and he even has it in his contract. A veteran name has officially announced his return and retirement match. Additionally, a Hall of Famer has broken silence on his rumored return.

Without further ado, let's dive into today's News Roundup. Be sure to let us know your thoughts and reactions on the same in the comments section below.

#4 Stone Cold Steve Austin breaks silence amid return speculations

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WWE Hall of Famer Stone Cold Steve Austin has been in the news recently for his incredible training videos in which he's looking to be in great shape. This has once again started rumors and speculations of him training for a WWE in-ring return. The Texas RattleSnake took to Instagram to break silence on the same stating that the training has nothing to do with a return, but also didn't deny the rumors.

"People have been speculating ‘Hey Steve, what are you doing? What are you training for? You training for an event?’ You can speculate what you want, I just looked in the mirror and realised that I looked like sh*t, so I called my diet coach up. As far as bodyweight goes, probably sub 232 [lbs] the leanest I’ve been in sh*t, forever. Anyway that’s the bottom line, I just got tired of, I looked in the mirror and I looked like sh*t. Got tired of looking like sh*t, so I’m taking action to do something about it," said Steve Austin.

Stone Cold Steve Austin made his surprising return to the ring earlier this year at WrestleMania 38. He main evented Night One of the show in an impromptu match against Kevin Owens and defeated him after a great battle. It has to be seen whether that was the last match or does he have one more left in him.

#3 Former champion claims to be the original "The Rock"

Appreciation tweet to the beast, the Great One, the Brahma Bull, the People's Champ and the most electrifying man in sports entertainment, The Rock. #WWE #DwayneJohnson https://t.co/R1pjBoo2UG

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is one of the most iconic WWE Superstars of all time who has gone on to rule the global entertainment industry. However, former WWE Intercontinental Champion Ken Shamrock has now made a massive claim that "The Rock" was originally supposed to be his nickname.

Speaking to Wrestling Shoot Interviews, Shamrock revealed that he even had a conversation with The Rock about the nickname.

"When he started using 'The Rock' I said 'bro, you know I was The Rock first, right? He looked at me very confused and then I had a contract where I had all that carved out. So, I said, 'bro, no seriously, I got it in my contract,'" he said.

Shamrock further added that the nickname "The Rock" was even in his contract for UFC and WWF.

"I have it in a contract, yes. UFC and WWF, in both of those I had in the contract World's Most Dangerous Man, Ken 'The Rock' Shamrock, Lions Den, all those things, even the action figures that had Lions Den written on them, I own those, those are mine, those are my trademarks," he added.

Dwayne Johnson initially wrestled in WWE as Rocky Maivia and didn't achieve much success. It was only after he got a new gimmick and a new ring name of "The Rock" that he became a megastar and one of the most accomplished pro-wrestlers of all time.

#2 Multi-time world champion addresses retirement plans

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WWE Hall of Famer Edge made his miraculous return to the ring at the 2020 men's Royal Rumble match after announcing his retirement in 2011 due to severe injuries. Since then, he has turned the clock back and delivered multiple amazing matches, reminding fans why he's one of the best in the business.

Recently speaking to The Nation Network, Edge commented on his potential retirement plans, revealing that he wants to retire in Toronto.

"That's the key. The first time I was told, 'You gotta hang it up. That's it, you're done.' It was WrestleMania. I retired world champ, and that sounds Cinderella, but I just didn't know. That made it hard to chew on all those years, but I had to accept it and move on with what life is now. [I got to] start an amazing, beautiful family and the acting thing started to kind of take [off] a little but when I had the chance to get this back. The first thing I thought is, 'I want to retire in Toronto,'" Edge said.

Edge last wrestled for WWE earlier this year at Extreme Rules 2022 where he lost to Finn Balor in a brutal "I Quit" match. His feud with The Judgment Day looks far from over and fans are expecting him to return and put an end to the faction once and for all.

#1 Veteran WWE star announces in-ring return and retirement match

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Veteran star and current WWE producer Jamie Noble has taken to Instagram to announce his in-ring return for a retirement match.

He revealed that he will be competing at a WWE Live Event in Charleston, West Virginia on December 11. This will be his first match in over seven years since he last competed in June 2015 on an episode of Monday Night RAW.

"It's Official!! On December 11 at the Charleston Civic Center, Charleston, WV. I will compete for possibly my last time in wrestling under the greatest company of all time WWE. It's been roughly 11 years since I was forced out of the ring. Now I’m going to have one more opportunity in front of my people my state my family! I promise you I will walk out a winner or I will go out on my shield giving the best performance I can give. all the support I can get will be so greatly appreciated to show that I can still go! Thank you all!! God bless you and God bless WV!!" wrote Jamie Noble in his Instagram post.

Jamie Noble has also worked with current United States Champion Seth Rollins during their time together in The Authority as J&J Security alongside Joey Mercury. Rollins was quick to notice this announcement from Jamie. He even teased a potential match between the two, asking Jamie whether he will be answering the open challenge for the US title.

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