
WWE News: Rusev makes an unfortunate claim on the future of 'Rusev Day'

This had so much potential
This had so much potential

What's the story?

Rusev recently replied to a fan on Twitter, who had posted a tweet celebrating Rusev Day.

The Bulgarian Brute stated that Rusev Day is dead and it's time to move on.

In case you didn't know...

Rusev was one of the most over Superstars on the SmackDown roster in 2018. His Rusev Day gimmick kicked off and he instantly began getting deafening cheers from the WWE Universe. Rusev, Lana and Aiden English were nailing the gimmick to perfection and it seemed like Rusev was finally going to get a big push.

At WrestleMania 34, Rusev competed in a Fatal Four Way match for the WWE United States Championship against Randy Orton, Jinder Mahal, and Bobby Roode. All eyes were on Rusev and he got the biggest pop of the foursome.

In a head-scratching booking decision, Jinder Mahal pinned Rusev to win the title, much to the disgust of the fans inside the arena and the ones watching at home.

Rusev's star began to fizzle after The Show of Shows. Soon after, he was back in the lower mid-card.

The heart of the matter

Recently, Rusev stated on Twitter that Rusev Day was bigger than KofiMania. Now, Rusev has responded to a fan, saying that Rusev Day is history and it's finally time to move on.

What's next?

This isn't the first time that a Superstar tried to go over on his own and was pushed to the back. Zack Ryder suffered the same fate 8 years ago, after starting his Youtube show that was based on WWE not pushing him. It's a shame that a gimmick like Rusev Day died without WWE capitalizing on it.

What are your thoughts on the demise of Rusev Day? Do you think Rusev will get his break someday?

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