
WWE News: Seth Rollins says feuds with AJ Styles and Finn Balor are a certainty

Ready to reclaim

The WWE’s missing ingredient Seth Rollins was on a panel at Wizard World Philly recently and answered questions on a host of topics ranging from his return, his choice of finisher, feuds with AJ Styles and Finn Balor and many more. Here are a few choice excerpts, courtesy of wrestlinginc.com

His hair-raising return at Extreme Rules:

Rollins jokes that the injured guys had a little wager amongst themselves to see who would return first, but they always knew “mutant” Cena would beat them all to it. He adds that he was eager to return at WrestleMania, but he couldn’t risk it because he wasn’t fully healed. 

On adopting the Pedigree as his finisher

Rollins responds to a young fan’s question about using the Pedigree when Tyler Black (Rollins’ avatar in ROH) had a great arsenal by counting himself as one of two guys in WWE history to use the move and saying that the other did well for himself.  

On AJ Styles and Finn Balor

Rollins calls AJ Styles his dream WrestleMania opponent and says he’d choose a feud rather than team with him anyday. He says he used to watch Styles’ videos on end as a child. He adds that feuds with Styles and Finn Balor will definitely happen. 

Here’s the full video:


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