
WWE News: Stephanie McMahon gives her take on Conor McGregor in the WWE

Conor McGregor
Conor McGregor

What's the story?

Stephanie McMahon appeared at a Leaders in Sports convention at Stamford Bridge, where she was asked if she felt that Conor McGregor would be a good fit in WWE. She was not ambiguous with her answer and said that the mixed martial champ would be a 'perfect fit' with WWE.

In case you didn't know....

The rumours of Conor McGregor moving to the WWE has been around for a long time now. With MMA stars making the jump to WWE and WWE stars fighting in UFC, the transition no longer seems a strange one. Ronda Rousey has reportedly started training to join WWE, while "The Beast" Brock Lesnar has worked in UFC and WWE.

McGregor recently fought in a high profile when he faced the boxing legend Floyd "Money" Mayweather in a boxing match, and put up a good fight. He eventually lost the match, but he lost after doing much better than what most people thought he would.

The heart of the matter

When Stephanie McMahon was asked about Conor McGregor in WWE, she was confident that the UFC star would be the perfect fit for WWE. She commented that his personality was suited to WWE, and also talked about his imitation of the Vince McMahon swagger, as per Mirror Sport.

"I think Conor would be a perfect fit with WWE. He certainly has the personality and the athletic ability, the appeal. He speaks his mind, he's very genuine and authentic and he has a hell of a Vince McMahon swagger."

WWE has long looked to sign Conor McGregor due to the huge mainstream attention the signing would attract. McGregor is one of the biggest stars in combat sports, and he might be the exact solution WWE need to solve the problem of low ratings that they have recently been facing.

What's next?

McGregor may not immediately be open to signing with WWE due to the massive payout he got from his match with Mayweather, but in time he might look to make the jump to WWE.

Watch Conor McGregor imitate the famous Vince McMahon Strut.

Author's take

Conor McGregor has a personality that would suit WWE to the hilt. An incredible talker, he would need to brush up on his wrestling skills, as wrestling and MMA are two completely different worlds.

If McGregor does make the switch, WWE's ratings will mostly improve as he would bring in more casual and MMA fans to the promotion.

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