
WWE News: Stephanie McMahon reveals her favourite wrestler apart from Triple H

Stephanie McMahon(centre) with Andre the Giant

Stephanie McMahon was interviewed on the Joe DeFranco’s Industrial Strength podcast and spoke about a range of topics including her all time favourite wrestler, the relationship between business and fitness and her musical inclinations at length.

Revealing that Andre the Giant was her personal favourite, apart from Triple H of course, Stephanie McMahon also went on to outline just how exactly she acquired the taste for bodybuilding from an age of 12, wanting to maximise the time spent with her father Vince McMahon.

According to wrestlinginc.com that reported the condensed version of the interview, the Billion Dollar Princess also expressed her thoughts on the relationship between athletics and business, and how the team ethic that is fostered through athletics translates onto the boardroom as well.

She also alluded to her musical tastes, professing herself a metalhead, and also relating a story about how she injured her neck due to headbanging at a Motorhead concert. As is well known by now, Triple H is also a huge fan of the band, which has been responsible for his theme music.

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