
WWE News: The Rock's mom wants him to resume legendary rivalry

The Rock
The Rock

What's the story?

Ata Johnson, The Rock's mother, recently spoke with The Hannibal TV. She stated that she would like to see The Rock take on John Cena one more time.

In case you didn't know...

The Rock is widely regarded as being one of the greatest Superstars in the history of professional wrestling. He came into the WWE in the mid-90s and went on to win multiple world titles in the WWE.

He also carved a niche for himself in Hollywood and has become one of the highest paid actors of this generation. The Rock came back to WWE in 2011 and kicked off a dream rivalry with John Cena. He cost Cena the WWE Title in the main event of WrestleMania 27, and the two Superstars proceeded to shake hands on a match at next year's 'Mania.

The Rock defeated Cena at WrestleMania 28, with Cena bagging the winner at next year's edition. The two Superstars shared the ring again at WrestleMania 32 when they fought with The Wyatt Family after The Rock defeated Eric Rowan in six seconds.

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The heart of the matter

While talking with The Hannibal TV, Ata Johnson stated that she misses seeing her son inside the squared circle, and would love to see him wrestle again. She went on to state that she enjoyed his matches with John Cena at WrestleMania 28 and 29, and wished that The Rock comes back one more time to lay down a beating on Cena.

I miss him in the ring. I’ve been watching him all these years, and I think he’s really great at what he did. I’d love to see him come back one more time and lay the smackdown on John Cena, I totally enjoyed their matches.

What's next?

Cena was recently seen with Hollywood star Vin Diesel, which has led to fans speculating that the former WWE Champion will be joining The Fast & The Furious franchise in the near future.

What are your thoughts on Ata Johnson's wish?

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