
WWE News: Triple H reveals how aware Vince McMahon is of the NXT and UK brands 

Triple H and Vince McMahon work quite well together
Triple H and Vince McMahon work quite well together

What's the story?

Many fans believe that Vince McMahon isn't completely aware of everything that is happening in his own company, but as Triple H explained recently, that isn't actually the case.

In case you didn't know...

Triple H recently announced that the NXT United Kingdom brand will become a reality in the near future which means that he will be controlling both the NXT and UK brands in the future. The Game has already proved that he has what it takes to run the company in the future and has already done a fantastic job with the NXT brand, but many fans have speculated that Vince McMahon tries to turn a blind eye to the developmental brand of his own company.

Recently it appears that the commentators on the main roster have been told not to talk about the history that many of the stars who have been promoted to the main roster, which has only served to fuel this speculation.

The heart of the matter

Triple H was asked about Vince McMahon's awareness of the NXT and UK brands as part of an interview with Inside The Ropes where he pointed out that The Chairman is much more aware of the brands than many fans thought. (transcript via Wrestlinginc)

"He's well aware of all of it. It's a funny thing, some people think he's not aware of things in his own company. [Laughs] He's well aware of all of it. He's all for all of it. There's a lot of things going on. We grow as a brand every single day and that growing and that expanding, and all of it is an important part of WWE. It doesn't take away from any of the things we were in the past, but our intent is not to stay what we were, our intent is to be what we can become. "

Triple H has been the main person behind NXT over the past few years and is the reason that it has been able to become such a phenomenon, but he is aware that this is all inside Vince's vision for the company.

"Our vision of WWE is massive compared to what it is right now. His vision of what WWE will become is massive and you have to remember this is a guy who envisioned it going from little smoke-filled bars to 100,000 people in a stadium and being seen all around the world with one global brand. That vision is amazing, so he has a vision for all of it, but he's well aware of all of it, trust me."

What's next?

The United Kingdom tournament has already taken place and will stream on the Network next week where the announcement will be made about the upcoming NXT UK brand, something that has been rumored for the past few months.

Do you think that Vince McMahon has more input on the NXT and UK brands behind the scenes? Have your say in the comments section below...

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