
WWE News: Veteran wrestler involved as witness in two brutal murders

Billy Jack Haynes narrates a chilling story which allegedly involved a powerful politician
Billy Jack Haynes narrates a chilling story which allegedly involved a powerful politician

What’s the story?

Former WWE Superstar Billy Jack Haynes has featured in a new video, wherein he’s seen speaking about a couple of brutal murders he witnessed back in 1987.

Apparently, Haynes came forward in 2016, with his confession of having witnessed the crime, and is now promoting a GoFundMe page so as to raise money to provide for the necessary resources that’ll enable the investigation to proceed.

In case you didn’t know…

Billy Jack Haynes performed for the WWE (then WWF) from 1986 to 1988, following which he competed in other promotions including WCW, and retired in 1996.

Haynes, now 64, has been open about his time as a drug trafficker for about three decades. Apparently, the confession he’s come out with is regarding the murders of Kevin Ives (17) and Don Henry (16) that took place on 23 August 1987.

The murders have been extensively depicted in popular culture, in the form of several books—the most famous of them being ‘The Boys on the Tracks’—besides also being featured on popular crime show Unsolved Mysteries.

Additionally, several reported witnesses have passed polygraph tests in interrogation regarding the incident, and a confession letter written by the perpetrator is also said to have been acquired by the police; however, the murders remain unsolved till date.

The heart of the matter

In a video posted by the YouTube channel Private Snoop operated by Private Snoop Investigations, Billy Jack Haynes comes clean about his time as a drug trafficker & enforcer—with one of the victims, Kevin Ives’ mother Linda Ives, stating to KARK 4 News that Haynes is attempting to “make things right while he can”.

Haynes recalled that ahead of the tragic incident that took place in Saline County, Arkansas, in 1987. Haynes stated that he was hired by an Arkansas drug-dealing politician to be part of his security team—with the politician suspecting that a few state police officers were ripping him off on his drug deals, despite him having a few local law enforcement officials on his payroll. Haynes was a part of the politician’s security on the fateful night of 23 August 1987. Haynes stated—

“While conducting the security for the drug-money drop, I witnessed the murders of two young boys—Kevin Ives & Don Henry—they were murdered by other individuals, who were working for the same criminal politician. Their bodies were placed on railroad tracks to be mutilated by a passing train.”

Haynes added that he contacted Larry, Linda Ives and their private investigator Keith Rounsavall in 2016 and revealed that he witnessed Kevin Ives’ & Don Henry’s murders.

He added—“In my statement, I named 3 local enforcement officers, 2 local attorneys, politicians, and a local bar-owner as those being on the scene of the murders in 1987. I also named the criminal politician who directed the events, at the scene via cell-phone, with one of the attorneys, politicians and me.”

What’s next?

Billy Jack Haynes also urged viewers to donate to the GoFundMe page, set up to raise funds so that the investigators can look into the matter and bring Kevin Ives’ & Don Henry’s murderers to justice.

Haynes added that Linda Ives—a mother who’s been fighting for her son to get justice since 1987—deserves to be paid money, considering her struggles over the years.

Author’s take

This is an extremely sensitive issue, and could possibly involve several powerful people in the world of politics.

Here’s to hoping justice is served. 

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