
WWE News: Vince McMahon open to selling WWE?

Vince McMahon
Vince McMahon

What's the story?

We all know that the only thing Vince McMahon loves more than himself is the company he has created-- WWE. But it looks like The Chairman is finally open to the idea of not being in full control of the company.

WWE has been a crisis situation as of late with multiple Superstars asking for their release and dwindling television ratings. However, it isn't something McMahon hasn't faced before, and likely will be able to smooth things out soon.

Vince McMahon was featured in Variety magazine for the month of May, and the article revealed some interesting details.

In case you didn't know...

Vince McMahon is the Chairman of WWE and makes all major decisions regarding the company, be it inside the ring or outside.

While WWE has been his life for a major part of his years, McMahon recently announced the revival of XFL and is looking to make the football league a massive hit, which could mean that he might step away from WWE.

The heart of the matter

Here is what Vince McMahon said on being asked if he would be willing to sell all or partial stake of the company:

“We’re open for business"

While there were reports that FOX might try to buy WWE, it does not look like any such thing willl be happening soon.

Here is what McMahon said about Superstars taking time off:

"Anybody who wants time off can get time off. In addition to that, it’s easy to weave a talent in and out of a storyline. If they get injured, you’re not expecting that. Or if they have a family matter. Our characters are real people with real problems. It’s a revolving situation where this talent will work these dates, that talent will work those dates.”

What's next?

Although it is highly unlikely that Vince McMahon would ever agree to sell WWE in it's entirety, there is a chance that he may sell off partial stakes in the company for the right deal.

Also Read: WWE desperately trying to prevent 4-time Champion from quitting the company

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