WWE News: What happened after WWE RAW March 28, 2016 went off air?
After FastLane, tension started to build up between Lana and Brie Bella. Things heated up quickly and several other Divas joined the mix. It was decided that Team Total Divas(Brie Bella, Alicia Fox, Paige, Natalya, and a mystery partner) will face Team BAD n’Blonde(Lana, Emma, Summer Rae, Naomi and Tamina) in a 5-on-5 Divas tag team match at WrestleMania 32. This week on RAW, Total Divas and NXT star Eva Marie turned up to help the team of Total Divas.
Just like the WWE Universe, all the members of team Total Divas were surprised with Eva’s return. Any follower of Total Divas show knows Eva’s attitude hasn’t made her popular with fellow Divas.
With that negative attitude, her helping the other Divas was a surprise. In a recent backstage fallout video by WWE, Brie Bella confessed that she is anxious about Eva joining the team of Total Divas at WrestleMania 32. She doesn’t trust Eva Marie at all, and thinks she is not a good person. Here’s the video:
If Brie’s suspicions turn out to be true, is there a possibility of Eva turning on her teammates at WrestleMania? Well, we will have to wait a few more days to find it out!