
WWE News: What happened after SmackDown Live went off the air

Owens and Zayn, when they were the best of friends
Owens and Zayn, when they were the best of friends

What's the story?

Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn came out for a dark match after tonight's show.

Owens went on to defeat Zayn after hitting a Stunner, followed by two more after the match.

In case you didn't know...

This past Monday on Raw, Sami Zayn made his return to WWE after being sidelined for months. Zayn was a heel before injury struck, and was feuding with Bobby Lashley. He reprised his role last night and proceeded to berate the crowd, calling WWE a "toxic environment".

It's worth noting that Kevin Owens returned to WWE as a babyface, earlier this year.

The heart of the matter

Zayn tried to back out of the match by stating that he didn't want to fight Kevin Owens "in front of the worst crowd ever".

Zayn added that the duo has had incredible 5-star encounters in the past. He said that the crowd wouldn't appreciate their efforts and would find something to criticize. Sami offered a hug to Owens and the two proceeded to embrace in the ring. As Owens was about to leave, Zayn said that Owens wasn't the brains behind The Sami & Kevin Show.

Owens responded by stating that both of them didn't have a match at WrestleMania this year, and he had three words for Sami: "ring the bell". Owens made quick work of his former friend and grabbed the win after delivering a Stunner on Zayn. After the match, Owens told Zayn that he loved him, and followed it up with another Stunner.

Finally, Owens helped Zayn rise up, and finished him off with a final Stunner, to the crowd's elation.

Read all about this week's SmackDown Live here.

What's next?

A rivalry between these two Superstars would be interesting to witness, with Zayn being a heel and Owens taking on the role of a fan-favorite babyface.

Would you like to see these two start their rivalry afresh?

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