
WWE News: Hall Of Famer confirmed for upcoming Raw European tour

Looks like Beth Phoenix will be sticking around for awhile!
Looks like Beth Phoenix will be sticking around for awhile!

What's the story?

Beth Phoenix made her triumphant return to WWE earlier this year to team up with Natalya and reform The Divas of Doom. Not only has this been a huge benefit to the newly formed women's tag-team division, but it also allows some of the company's lesser-known talent to gain exposure by going up against the best of the best.

In case you didn't know...

If nothing else, it was the best of both worlds for WWE and The Divas of Doom even ended up competing in a fatal four-way match for the belt at WrestleMania 35. Of course, they came up short in their effort to the Iconics, but it was a cool moment for the company's older fans and really helped the tag-team division gain some recognition too.

Beyond all that, it was another logical step in The Women's Evolution and allowed Phoenix and Natalya to have a very deserving moment in the sun.

The heart of the matter

Interestingly enough, it appears as though the reunion tour isn't quite over yet as Beth has officially signed on for further dates with the WWE.

According to PW Insider, "WWE Hall of Famer Beth Phoenix is set to wrestle on the upcoming European tour. Ever since WrestleMania 35, when Beth challenged for the Women’s Tag Titles alongside Natalya both members of the Divas of Doom have been dropping hints about the possibility of them reuniting on a more permanent basis."

Whether this results in the title victory they could have had at WrestleMania or not remains to be seen, though these two women add a lot of legitimacy to a very unproven division and will only excel in their roles with the company going forward. They may even end up creating a plethora of memorable moments for the ongoing women's revolution, which would be interesting to see unfold.

What happens next?

The Divas of Doom will take on any and all challengers during the upcoming Raw European Tour and might even end up with the tag-team titles in the process. Of course, that means they have to beat The Iconics, but that doesn't seem like a feat they can't accomplish, especially with how popular and naturally talented they both are!

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