
WWE News: WWE releases some interesting merchandise promoting Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch's relationship

Becky Lynch and Seth Rollins' relationship has been pushed by WWE
Becky Lynch and Seth Rollins' relationship has been pushed by WWE

What's the story?

Becky Lynch and Seth Rollins revealed their relationship publicly a few months ago and WWE has since cashed in on this and made it a storyline on Raw. Interestingly, the company has now gone one step forward and released merchandise for the couple.

In case you didn't know...

Becky Lynch is now referred to as The Man on WWE TV, a nickname that became popular during her feuds with Ronda Rousey and Charlotte in the lead-up to WrestleMania 35. In recent weeks Seth Rollins has been called The Man's Man numerous times, insinuating that the current Universal Champion is under the control of his woman.

Rollins has been on the receiving end of the majority of the physical punishment in the couple's rivalry with Lacey Evans and Baron Corbin, and it was Lynch who picked up the victory in their mixed tag team match against Maria and Mike Kanellis. These instances show who WWE sees as the dominant half of the couple.

The heart of the matter

Rollins and Lynch are now WWE's power couple as the Universal and Raw Women's Champion, but there are a number of fans who haven't reacted well to the way the couple has been portrayed on WWE TV.

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WWE TV seemingly isn't the only place that the company is now pushing Rollins and Lynch, since they released Rollins' new merchandise today and his new tag line seems to be "The Man's Man."

What's next?

Rollins is the Universal Champion and so far he hasn't been treated as the main Champion on Raw. Many fans have commented about how weak this union has made him seem; but hopefully, the situation will change once Paul Heyman takes over.

Do you think this new merchandise is a good idea? Have your say in the comments section below...

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