
WWE News: WWE Superstar disrespects Renee Young

Renee Young.
Renee Young.

What's the story?

Lacey Evans is billed to be the next big thing in the WWE's Women's Division and has constantly made her presence felt despite not wrestling a single match on Raw or Smackdown.

On the latest episode of Raw, Evans got in Renee Young's face by blocking her view with a fan. Young was expectedly frustrated with the gesture and called Evans out for the disrespectful act on Instagram.

In case you didn't know...

Renee Young is one of the most likable personalities on WWE TV and has been doing a fairly decent job as a commentator. She may not be lighting it up and is often targeted for not adding anything special to the commentary booth. She's doing alright as it could have been much worse.

Lacey Evans is a retired U.S. Marine who signed a WWE contract in 2016. She developed her craft in NXT before moving up to the main roster in December 2018.

Evans made her in-ring main roster debut at the Royal Rumble 2019, where she entered the Women's Rumble match at the #1 spot. She managed to stay in the match for almost thirty minutes before being dumped out by Charlotte.

Evans has a gimmick which is reminiscent of the forgettable Emalina character. Packaged as a classy superstar, she comes out to greet the fans before going back. She has wrestled a handful of matches at live events and awaits her first real test on the main roster.

The heart of the matter

Young mentioned in her Instagram post that she used to like Lacey Evans before the former NXT Superstar did this:

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No respect in the workplace! I used to like her too 🤷🏼‍♀️ @laceyevanswwe

A post shared by Renee Paquette (@reneeyoungwwe) on

What's next?

Vince McMahon and his team are really high on Evans, who is seen as one of the top superstars who will carry the women's division after WrestleMania 35. The Lady of WWE is legitimately tough and has all the tools to succeed in the upper card of the WWE.

There have been talks going around backstage that WWE is considering to take Renee Young off commentary duties. The reason behind the proposed move is still under wraps and we should know more about the same only after WrestleMania 35.

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