
WWE NXT (24th July 2019): 5 Points to note

Jordan Myles is making an impression. So is his vest. Anyway, on with the show!
Jordan Myles is making an impression. So is his vest. Anyway, on with the show!

Hey, kids! Sully here, bringing you five takeaways from tonight's episode of NXT. Now, hopefully you were watching, as NXT is consistently good week after week. But, life happens, we know. So, until you get a chance to get home from your job at, I dunno, the pet store or something, and watch the episode on demand, here are the five most important things that happened on this taping.

Special thanks to Riju Dasgupta for giving me the opportunity to take the reigns this week. I hope I don't embarrass him.

I probably already did.

#5 Jordan Myles advanced in the NXT Breakout Tournament

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I am really, really digging this Breakout Tournament. Like, a lot. This week's match pitted Jordan Myles, an Austin, TX resident like myself, against Angel Garza, who is such a classic, old school heel, and I love it.

The match itself was really good, with Garza getting the advantage through most of it. Myles was able to make a comeback and score a victory with a really impressive German Suplex. Which, as my wife pointed out, you never see a match ended with.

That's a little hyperbolic, but you get the idea. There were some really great old school moments in this match, like when Garza was trying to slam Myles' head into the turnbuckle, and Jordan blocked it and was all like "Oh no you don't" and then went crazy on him.

So, Angel Garza is out of the tournament, but I don't doubt that we'll see him on NXT TV again very soon.

He's such a great, smarmy, arrogant bad guy and he's also just so talented in the ring. Looking forward to seeing more from him.

Same with Myles, who's got that same Xavier Woods-type vibe about him (and not just because he's black, come on), and I actually can see him winning this whole thing.

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