WWE NXT: 5 dream feuds for Kushida

On the latest edition of NXT, the Japanese sensation, Kushida, made his long-awaited debut, and while he didn't show off everything he can do, he gave the WWE Universe a taste of what made him such a star in his native Japan.
The former 6-time IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion has a great look, charisma, and is one of the most well-rounded in-ring performers in the world today, and after the success that Shinsuke Nakamura experienced on NXT, it's hard to see anything but success on the horizon for Kushida.
With NXT featuring so many dream matches at big TakeOver events, it's easy to look at the roster and want Kushida to face everyone, but today, we've narrowed it down. So read on as we look to the future and 5 dream matches that we'd love to see the Marty McFly cosplay artist have in his time on NXT.
#5 Velveteen Dream

When coming to NXT, most new stars may have their own dream matches in mind, but the fans have adopted Velveteen Dream as their own, and every new star needs to go through the charismatic North American Champion.
His in-ring skills may not be up to par with a lot of the independent stars coming into NXT, but his overwhelming character work makes up for it, and a good feud with the Dream is a must on NXT nowadays.
Kushida's English isn't great, so Dream would have to do the bulk of the promo work for this match, but once the bell rings, these two would be electric inside those ropes.
Kushida has a very likable way about him, and the NXT Universe is going to naturally gravitate towards him, so this is a feud that WWE will know needs to happen, and in due time, Kushida could be the man to dethrone him.