
WWE NXT: 5 Points to note- Massive debut, Big tournament announced

The crowd seems divided on Adam Cole as the Champ!
The crowd seems divided on Adam Cole as the Champ!

And so we begin a brand new era of WWE NXT, with Adam Cole as the face of the brand, with his cohorts standing by his side. It's not just a new era, and it's an Undisputed ERA.

But that's not all that happened on this week's episode and I'll bring you all of the highlights in this recap. Be sure to let me know what your thoughts are if you've watched the show, and if you haven't, I recommend that you do so right away.

There are quite a few things that I noted from the episode and I'll elaborate 5 of the most interesting points in this article. It does feel like a fresh new beginning for NXT, with Johnny Wrestling no longer at the helm.

Do you think that Adam Cole is a better Champion than his predecessor was?

#5 Tyler Breeze is sticking around in NXT

Some of us assumed that Tyler Breeze only came back to NXT to take on The Velveteen Dream in what was a solid match at the 25th edition of NXT TakeOver recently. But thankfully, he has decided to stick around in the black and yellow brand for a brief spell, at the very least, for now. It sure beats being benched in the main roster while others get opportunities.

The main roster suffers from an overabundance of talent. So much so that a lot of the Superstars who've been called up sometimes do not get the chance to really showcase their wares to the fullest. Even if they have brief spells of glory, as Breeze did with the Fashion Files, something else comes along and it's all forgotten.

Let's hope Breeze has a good run. He certainly deserves this moment of happiness under the spotlight.

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