
WWE NXT Live Event Results From Lakeland; star injured

Billy Gunn, Big Cass, Enzo, Calisto, Carmella and Solomon Crowe were all signing at ringside. All of them were great but Carmella especially went out of her way to sign and take pictures.

Quick pep talk by Corey Graves, who says that he is doing commentary tonight - to whom I have no idea.

The first match is Tony Briggs vs. Wesley Blake, who is getting a new look. No more cowboy gimmick, he has all new gear with the letter P on both sides of his pants. Good opening match with Blake getting the pin after a frog splash off the top rope.

Next up is Shoot Nation vs. Dash Wilder and Scott Dawkins. Decent match with Dawson pinning Sawyer Fulton after a 3D type finisher.

Mojo Rawley comes out to "hype" up crowd wearing an arm sling. Says he will be back in two months. Same gimmick, so -so reaction.

Cal Bishop goes against Solomon Crowe next. Very short but very stiff match. Crowe gets the roll up pin. Referee puts up the X sign as soon as match ends. Bishop may have legit arm injury.

Tye Dillinger and Baron Corbin go at it next. 7 to 8 minute match with Dillinger carrying most of the offense until a short come back and Corbin hits End Of Days for the win. Corbin is way over with crowd, but other than one nice backwards flip over the top rope, he doesn't show much new.


Divas triple threat match is next, Dana Brooke vs. Alexa Bliss vs. Carmella. Mostly comedy with Bliss getting most of the attention. Bliss pins Brooke with a top rope jump/spin. It was silly but entertaining and Bliss was very impressive. She had 4 or 5 real nice spots. One of the stars of the night.

We get Chad Gable vs. Braun Stowman in what was mostly a squash match. Stowman gets pin with a powerslam. Guy is HUGE, listed at 6'8" and 360 lbs. and moved well. I had never seen him before but was impressed. Type of guy VKM loves.

Short Kevin Owens promo where he talks about beating up Sami Zahn and says he owes no one an explanation. Says nobody in back will fight him and leaves.

Jason Jordan vs Bull Dempsey follows. Other than Dempsey using a figure four for awhile, not much of a match. Dempsey wins with a head butt off top rope as usual. Sorry, I'm not much of a Bull Dempsey fan.

6 man tag match is the main event, CJ Parker and The Vaudvillians vs. Calisto, Big Cass and Enzo. Calisto gets pin on Parker after a real good back and forth match. Cass and Enzo were great on mic before and after match as always but Calisto stole the show. He is WAY over with kids and was outstanding in the ring.

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