
WWE NXT Results 13th September 2017, latest NXT winners, review and video highlights

NXT is as hot as ever right now. This week's episode was main-evented by a fantastic match between Pete Dunne and Wolfgang for the WWE UK Championship. Ruby Riot and a mystery partner faced the Iconic Duo of NXT - Billie Kay and Peyton Royce - while Johnny Gargano faced Riddick Moss.

Read on for full results and trust me, this episode was worth it.

Billie Kay and Peyton Royce vs Ruby Riot and mystery partner

We got a recap of Peyton Royce beating Ruby Riot last week with a little help from Billie Kay. This match started off like the handicap match that Ruby Riot had originally wanted. Riot did her best to take on both Aussies but she soon got outnumbered.

Nikki Cross came out of the crowd as Riot was getting beaten down and she slid her way to ringside. Eventually, Riot fought back by sending the Aussies crashing into each other and as she reeled in the corner, Cross got onto the apron and tagged herself in.

Cross took out both Royce and Kay, before hitting Kay with a nasty Swinging Neckbreaker following which she casually walked over to Riot and tagged her in, before walking off.

Ruby hit the Senton from the top rope and got the pinfall.

Ruby Riot and Nikki Cross def. Billie Kay and Peyton Royce

We got footage of Johnny Gargano in the Performance Center talking to reporters last week, when he was confronted by Riddick Moss and Tino Sabatelli. After the jocks goaded him, he challenged Moss to a match.

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