
WWE NXT Results 22nd March 2017, Latest NXT winners, review and video highlights

SAnitY finally got beaten back

With less than two weeks away from NXT TakeOver: Orlando, we got another blockbuster of NXT to set us up for ‘Mania weekend. This week’s episode took place from the CFE Arena once again.

The card shaped up nicely as more matches got added to the show this week and we ended the episode with a huge debut, that could reshape the NXT women’s division following TakeOver. 

Without further teasers, let’s head straight to the results.

Oney Lorcan vs. Andrade ‘Cien’ Almas

One thing that becomes further evident everytime I see Andrade ‘Cien’ Almas is the fact that he has ‘star’ written all over him. From the way he carries himself to his in-ring ability, it’s all top notch. The only thing Almas now needs is a better grasp of English to cut promos.

Almas faced Oney Lorcan on tonight’s episode of NXT and it was easily the best match of the night. Almas started off by dodging Lorcan’s offence before doing his trademark pose on the mat. Almas then left the ring as Lorcan chased him around it before the action returned to the squared circle once again.

Back in the ring, the two of hit each other with stiff strikes and chops before Lorcan hit Almas with a running lariat to the back of the head which sent Almas rolling out to ringside once again. Almas got back into the ring and hit Lorcan with a modified neckbreaker followed by double boots in the corner. Almas then teased the running knees but hit Lorcan with a slap instead.

Lorcan wasn’t happy and lifted an incoming Almas over the top rope before heading to the steel steps and attempting a crossbody. Almas reversed it into a Powerslam as we headed to a commercial break.

When we came back from the break, Almas was in complete control as he planted Lorcan face-first into the top turnbuckle. He followed it by driving his knee into Lorcan’s head as Lorcan rested against the middle rope. Almas then locked in a chin lock but no for long. Lorcan broke out and hit a clothesline followed by a running blockbuster for a 2-count.

Lorcan then hit Almas with a series of European uppercuts which sent Almas crashing to ringside once again. The former-Biff Busick then headed to the top rope and hit a Senton to take back control. He followed it up with running Back elbows back in the ring followed by the Half And Half Suplex for the nearfall. 

Almas regrouped and a somersault double kick but Lorcan immediately hit back with a running big boot. Almas immediately responded with a clothesline for the nearfall. He then hit Lorcan with right hand strikes in the corner followed by his trademark double knees. Lorcan was finally where Almas wanted him, as Almas hit the Hammerlock DDT for the pinfall.

Andrade ‘Cien’ Almas def. Oney Lorcan

Later in the show, we learnt that Andrade ‘Cien’ Almas will face the debuting Aleister Black at TakeOver: Orlando.

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