
WWE NXT Results 28 February 2018, latest NXT winners, review and video highlights

After sending Johnny Gargano packing from NXT, how will Andrade 'Cien' Almas react? Also on the show, we got a match between Shayna Baszler and Kairi Sane.

Velveteen Dream vs Tyler Bate

This week's episode of NXT kicked off with a hotly anticipated match as Velveteen Dream took on former WWE UK Champion Tyler Bate.

The two men started out back and forth despite Dream's superior strength advantage. Bate rolled Dream up for a 1-count. Dream got back to his feet as we head to a break.

Dream was in control when we came back from the break. He tossed Bate across the room before hitting a Powerslam. He followed it with an elbow drop before going for a cocky cover, which Bate easily kicked out of. Dream followed up with an axe-handle from the middle rope before attempting a submission by applying the Camel Clutch to Bate.

Bate soon replied with his trademark airplane spin, but Dream broke free. Bate then levelled Dream and tried to hit the Tyler Driver 97 but Dream countered with a back drop. The duo then traded strikes in the middle of the ring. Dream headed to the top rope but Bate dislodged him with a dropkick. Bate then went to the top rope himself but Dream pushed him off, sending Bate crotch-first into the top rope.

Dream then hit the Purple Rainmaker from the top-rope for the win.

Velveteen Dream def. Tyler Bater

After the opening match, we saw a video of Johnny Gargano signing his papers of termination from NXT. We'll have to keep an eye on this storyline to see where it goes next. I'm still pretty sure that this will lead to Gargano vs Ciampa at TakeOver: New Orleans.

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