WWE NXT Results 2nd November 2016, Latest NXT winners, review and video highlights
This week’s episode of NXT was hosted by Charli Carruso from the WWE Performance Center and she informed that every 2nd Round match from the Dusty Rhodes Tag-Team Classic would take place tonight. Without further ado, let’s move on to the action.
Austin Aries and Roderick Strong vs TM61
This one started off strangely with Aries not coming out in his ring gear, instead going for jeans and a jacket. When both teams came out, Aries revealed that WWE doctors had declared him unfit to compete because of his eye injury. He said that even though he wanted to compete, NXT officials knew how valuable a commodity he was and couldn’t risk permanent damage.
Aries then demanded that TM61 forfeit the match but he was interrupted by William Regal who converted the match into a singles match between one member of each team, the team with the winning member would progress. Shane Thorne then stepped up from TM61 to wrestle Roderick Strong.
Strong and Thorne started off by trading headlocks before Thorne took Strong down with a flying heel kick. He followed it up with a standing moonsault for the nearfall. Thorne then went to the top rope but Roderick Strong met him there and delivered a devastating backbreaker to him on the top turnbuckle as we went into a commercial.
We can back from the break with Roderick Strong all over Shane Thorne. Strong drove Thorne spine first into the corner but was hit by a dropkick following another attempted backbreaker. The two then traded blows before Thorne grounded Strong with repeated uppercuts. Thorne then went for another running heel kick into the corner but Roddy caught Thorne in midair and hit a backbreaker.
Roddy then hit Thorne with a running knee to the jaw followed by a running face slam before getting a nearfall on the cover. Thorne hit back after this with a reverse Falcon Arrow followed by a Sitout Powerbomb before going for the cover as Aries distracted the referee.
Nick Miller then went to threaten Aries as Strong hit him with a basement dropkick to the outside. Unfortunately for Roderick Strong, Shane Thorne took this opportunity to roll up Strong for the win. A huge upset.
Shane Thorne def. Roderick Strong (TM61 progress to the next round)