WWE NXT Results 3rd May 2017, Latest NXT winners, review and video highlights
NXT has been on a roll ever since Takeover: Orlando, with a brand new look and several fresh new faces. This week continued the trend with a pretty good show. Here’s a brief summary of the events of the night. Read on for all the action and highlights from this episode of NXT!
NXT began with an introduction to the show, the knowledge that NXT Takeover: Chicago is just two weeks away, and a glimpse of the events through the night, including a match between Hideo Itami and Kona Reeves as well as the 15-Woman Battle Royal. SAnitY’s music hit and we saw Killian Dain approach the ring with Eric Young to take on Danny Burch.
Danny Burch vs. Killian Dain
Surprisingly, only Eric Young accompanied Killian Dain to the ring. The two men locked up, and Dain overpowered Burch quite easily, no selling his offence. Dain dropped Burch from the turnbuckle and then clubbed his chest with thumping blows.
After no selling more of Burch’s offence, Dain delivered a massive Senton Bomb. Four elbow drops followed. Burch retaliated with a drop kick, some uppercuts, and even a headbutt, but a charging Dain delivered a dropkick to turn the tide immediately. The Beast picked up a decisive victory with The Ulster Planation, his finisher, for the pin.
Killian Dain def. Danny Burch.
As Eric Young spoke cryptic words to Killian Dain, we saw Hideo Itami arriving at the arena just before going into commercial. We returned to see a promo for ‘The Velveteen Dream’.