
WWE NXT Results 9th November 2016, Latest NXT winners, review and video highlights

Another WWE contract signing broke down into chaos

Another Wednesday night and another great episode of NXT. We got the semi-finals of the Dusty Rhodes Tag-Team Classic tonight, the contract signing between Shinsuke Nakamura and Samoa plus a lot more. Read on for the full results and review.

#DIY (Johnny Gargano & Tomasso Ciampa) vs The Authors of Pain (semi-final of the Dusty Classic)

Paul Ellering helped the Authors of Pain pull off the win

Gargano and Ciampa were super-over with the crowd as they came out and were greeted with chants of “Psychokiller” and “Johnny Wrestling”. Their opponents were accompanied to ringside by manager Paul Ellering.

The Authors of Pain have steamrolled through every tag-team they faced so far but Gargano and Ciampa aren’t ones to be intimidated.

Ciampa and Achum start us off as Achum immediately looked to overpower his opponent. Ciampa made the quick tag as DIY hit Achum with two quick dropkicks to disbalance him. They followed it up with stereo knee strikes to both members of the Authors of Pain.

Gargano followed this up with an attempted Suicide Dive on Achum and Rayzar on the outside but they caught him in midair and threw him right into Ciampa to take control as we went to a commercial.

We can back to find Rayzar in control of Gargano. Ellering got involved while the referee was distracted and smashed Gargano’s face into the mat. The Authors continued to isolate Gargano in the corner. Gargano tried to hit back but none of his strikes had any effect.

Rayzar then tagged in Achum who picked Gargano up and put him in a modified submission move. Achum then tagged in Rayzar but Gargano hit him with an Enzeguiri and followed it up with a tag. Ciampa came in with momentum, and immediately hit Achum, who was on the Apron, with a running knee. He followed it up with repeated knees and strikes to Rayzar before hitting a massive German Suplex on Rayzar as the crowd exploded.

Rayzar kicked out at 2 and hit both  Gargano and Ciampa with a double Fallaway Slam. Achum and Rayzar tried to follow it up with a double powerbomb but they got reversed into hurracanranas followed by stereo roll-ups for the nearfall.

Gargano and Ciampa then hit their signature Superkick/knee combination but Paul Ellering distracted the referee by climbing on the apron. At this moment, The Revival crawled out from under the ring and Johnny Gargano with a DDT on the Apron as the Authors of Pain hit Ciampa with The Last Chapter for the win.

Authors of Pain def. #DIY

We get a backstage promo from Tye Dillinger after this. He calls out Bobby Roode and said there would be no more lies or backstabbing. Dillinger said that after he was done with Roode, Toronto would be known as the Perfect 10 city.

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