
NXT Results: Iconic star makes NXT debut; 3 former champions answer Samoa Joe's open challenge

What a night on the NXT after TakeOver: 36!
What a night on the NXT after TakeOver: 36!

Ted DiBiase and Cameron Grimes kicked off NXT to celebrate Grimes' Million Dollar Championship win. Ted praised Grimes' physical and mental abilities that allowed Cameron to pick up the win on Sunday at TakeOver: 36. Grimes asked Ted where he was headed now and they both exclaimed "To the Moon!", before the segment ended.

Ridge Holland vs. Timothy Thatcher on NXT

Thatcher had the upper hand early on but Holland managed to take him down to the mat before hitting a running elbow for a near fall. Thatcher went for a submission before taking an overhead suplex but he went straight back to the arm-stretch submission.

Back after a break on NXT, Holland dropped Thatcher on the ropes before Tim went for a single-leg crab. Holland hit a huge headbutt and then the Snow Plow before pinning Thatcher for the win.

Result: Ridge Holland def. Timothy Thatcher

Ciampa went into the ring after the match and Holland attacked him before The Blackheart fired back and sent both Dunne and Holland out of the ring. Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch showed up to take Ciampa out at ringside.

Holland was back up and Timothy dragged him out of the ring and attacked him. Holland hit back with the blackjack and Dunne dragged him off of Thatcher and took him backstage.

Grade: B

In-Dex were backstage on NXT and Lumis announced their wedding date and it was September 14th.

Kacy Catanzaro & Kayden Carter vs. Jacy Jayne & Gigi Dolin on NXT

Carter and Dolin started off the match and Carter made an early tag before sending both opponents outside. Dolin took out Catanzaro off a distraction and managed to isolate her in their corner. Kacy was demolished in the ring but managed to make the tag after being tossed out of the ring.

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