
WWE NXT results: August 28, 2013

CJ Parker vs. Tyler Breeze

A decent opening match that had a bit of back and forth. Eventually, Breeze grabbed his phone and slyly hit Parker in the face with it for the win.

Winner: Tyler Breeze

Emma vs. Summer Rae

Surprisingly a lengthy and decent Divas contest. Both women dominated in different segments of the match. However, Emma slingshot Summer’s face into the mat and locked in the Emma Lock, as Summer tapped out immediately.

Winner: Emma

Enzo Amore vs Scott Dawson

Colin Cassaday interfered in the match distracting Amore. As the latter was distracted, Dawson hit him with a Greco Roman Suplex for the win.

Winner: Scott Dawson 

Adrian Neville vs Conor O’Brian

Impressive main event match. Neville dominated proceedings and hit the corkscrew shooting star press for the win.

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