WWE NXT Results: Grand Slam Champ to return; CM Punk warning; heartbreaking fallout
WWE NXT kicked off with the Women's North American Championship match, and later on the show, Roxanne Perez and Giulia were in the ring to discuss their title match.
We also got another big main roster star announced for next week's big premiere.
WWE NXT Results (September 24, 2024):
- Kelani Jordan def. Wren Sinclair to retain the Women's North American Championship
- Hank & Tank def. The O.C
- Oro Mensah def. Lexis King
- Ridge Holland def. Riley Osborne
- Wendy Choo & Rosemary vs. Brinley Reece & Karmen Petrovic
- A-Town Down def. Je'Von Evans & Cedric Alexander
WWE NXT Results: Kelani Jordan (c) vs. Wren Sinclair - Women's North American Championship match
The two traded rollups early on before the champ dropkicked Sinclair outside the ring and hit a big dive. After a break, Sinclair returned with some big suplexes on Jordan before countering a rollup and sending the champ to the floor.
No Quarter Catch Crew interfered, which led to Wren missing a dive and landing on Miles and Tavion by mistake. Back in the ring, Jordan hit the split-legged moonsault for the win.
Result: Kelani Jordan def. Wren Sinclair to retain the Women's North American Championship
Grade: B-
We got footage from an NXT press conference in which Ethan Page said that Trick Williams would be unable to dethrone him as the NXT Champ. He also added that having CM Punk call the match would not change the outcome in any way.
CM Punk was backstage, and Trick Williams told him that Ethan Page would try anything to win the title match. Punk warned the challenger that he wouldn't let anyone cheat and wouldn't play favorites.
The Grayson Waller Effect was next on NXT with Waller and Austin Theory. The guests were the NXT Tag Team Champs Axiom and Nathan Frazer. The main roster stars were hostile towards Fraxiom and said that in two weeks, they would be taking the tag titles.
Frazer asked why it was only The Grayson Waller Effect and not the Waller and Theory Effect, and Grayson said that the show's concept predated thier tag team.
Waller attacked the champs before they could question anything else, and Theory helped him take the duo down.
WWE NXT Results: The O.C vs. Hank & Tank
Gallows took big double-team moves before taking Tank down with a roundhouse kick. Anderson was tagged in and took Hank off the apron before isolating Tank in the ring.
Hank tagged in and got the Boss Man Slam on Anderson for a near fall before Gallows interfered and allowed Anderson to hit a superplex. Tank interrupted the Magic Killer before joining Hank for the combined finisher on Gallows for the win.
Result: Hank & Tank def. The O.C
Grade: B
A-Town Down Under made fun of Je'Von Evans and Cedric Alexander before Young OG challenged them to a tag match tonight.
WWE NXT Results: Oro Mensah vs. Lexis King
Lexis King was in control early on and hit some big slams and a backbreaker before Mensah took him down and tried for a moonsault. Mensah sent King head-first into the turnbuckles before getting a near fall off a diving kick.
King was about to pin him with his feet on the ropes but then got back up and said he wouldn't take the easy way out. Oro took him down immediately and pinned him with his foot on the ropes before winning!
Result: Oro Mensah def. Lexis King
Grade: B-
We got a training montage from Tony D'Angelo with Stacks and the others training him for his rematch with Oba Femi. He even got in a boxing ring and knocked his opponent out.
WWE NXT Results: Ridge Holland vs. Riley Osborne
Riley hit Osborne with a big dive before the match, sending him into the ring post as the bell rang. Ridge finally managed to remove his entrance jacket and got some big strikes but took a superkick and a dropkick into the corner.
Holland was speared through the barricades outside before being sent back into the ring. Riley got a big dive before Holland hit the Redeemer for the win.
Result: Ridge Holland def. Riley Osborne
Holland attacked Osborne after the match and sent him into the steel steps, but Riley got back up and hit a diving elbow on Ridge before officials separated them.
Grade: B
The Miz appeared on a social media video. The Grand Slam Champ said that he would be returning to NXT next week to hold MizTV, at which point Oba Femi and Tony D'Angelo would sign their match contracts.
We saw Oba Femi at the NXT press conference, and he said he wasn't scared of Tony D'Angelo since he was broken.
We were supposed to have a promo between Wes Lee and Zach Wentz, but the two trash-talked during the commercials, and Lee asked Wentz to come find him. The two headed out backstage, and we got a big brawl before the crew managed to separate them.
Lola Vice and Jaida Parker were in Ava's office, and the General Manager put them in a tag match against Fatal Influence.
WWE NXT Results: Wendy Choo & Rosemary vs. Brinley Reece & Karmen Petrovic
Reece and Wendy kicked off the match, and Petrovic came in for a big kick before Choo and Rosemary isolated her in the corner. Reece tagged back in and was scared by Rosemary's screams before she took some big moves from Wendy and the TNA star.
Reece came back with a handstand clothesline before Ashante Adonis showed up to distract Petrovic. Karmen left the ring to argue with him, letting Rosemary hit her finisher on Reece for the win.
Result: Wendy Choo & Rosemary vs. Brinley Reece & Karmen Petrovic
Grade: C
CM Punk was backstage when Ethan Page wanted to talk to him about next week's title match. Page said he wasn't looking for any of his drama, and Punk told him he wouldn't let the champ cheat to win.
Fatal Influence was at the press conference, and they said they would go after the North American Women's Championship next. Jaida and Lola showed up but were not allowed to fight them before NXT continued.
WWE NXT Results: Je'Von Evans & Cedric Alexander vs. A-Town Down
A-Town Down Under attacked both opponents off the bell before isolating Je'Von in the ring. Cedric was tagged in and got a big double-team move on Theory before the main roster stars were sent outside and hit with big dives.
After a break, Je'Von Evans was in control in the ring, and Nathan Frazer tried to interfere, but Axiom stopped him. The distraction caused Evans to fall off the ropes before Theory took him down for the win.
Result: A-Town Down def. Je'Von Evans & Cedric Alexander
Grade: B+
Trick Williams attended the Press Conference and said that he wanted to lead NXT into the new era. He promised to become the champion next week.
Roxanne Perez was in the ring next with Giulia and Funaki to discuss the title match next week.
Giulia cut her promo in Japanese, and Roxanne tried to interfere, but Byron Saxton stopped her.
Funaki got on the mic to translate and told us that Giulia said Roxanne's time had come. She would show the champ that it was time to give up the title to someone better than her.
Roxanne got on the mic and said she watched every Giulia match when the latter was in Japan. She added that she was the reason Giulia came to WWE and that the champ 'built NXT from the ground up.'
Byron interrupted the champ once more, and Giulia said that even in America, she was the most feared superstar.
Then Stephanie Vaquer interrupted them from the Titantron, saying she would be waiting on the other side for whoever wins the NXT Women's Title. With that cliffhanger, NXT's season finale went off the air.