
WWE NXT Results (October 7th, 2020): Winners, Grades, and Video Highlights

NXT riddled with injuries; a new tag team emerges
NXT riddled with injuries; a new tag team emerges

Three days out after NXT TakeOver 31 and NXT's Women's division reloaded with the additions of Toni Storm and Ember Moon. Finn Balor also successfully defended the NXT Championship against Kyle O'Reilly but was injured in the process.

Over the past few days, it was announced that Finn Balor had broken his jaw in two places. Still, that wouldn't keep him down, and during the show today it was announced that he wouldn't be relinquishing the belt.

Tonight, Moon made her return to the ring in the main event. We also saw the return of Dexter Lumis. Ridge Holland also made his presence known after attacking Adam Cole at NXT TakeOver: 31.

Prior to NXT, Tommaso Ciampa and Kushida were involved in a pull-apart brawl. NXT GM decided that they'd kick the night off, giving us a stellar first match of the show.

Tommaso Ciampa vs Kushida on NXT

Kushida had the Psycho Killer of NXT on the ropes
Kushida had the Psycho Killer of NXT on the ropes

Kushida slapped the taste out of Tommaso Ciampa's mouth. The Psycho Killer responded, leading to Kushida bringing him down to the mat. A show of disrespect from Kushida angered the former NXT Champion, as he immediately went for the Fairy Tale Ending.

Kushida escaped, dropping Ciampa with the hip toss/dropkick and the running arm breaker. As Kushida went into the ropes for the handspring back elbow, Ciampa caught him mid-handspring with a dropkick to the face.

That shot left Kushida dazed, allowing Ciampa to slow the match down and beat down Kushida around the ring. A big Irish whip into the corner saw Kushida bounce spine first off the top turnbuckle.

Ciampa attempted to grind Kushida into dust with a headlock on the mat. Kushida was able to escape and counter a neck breaker with an armbar attempt. Ciampa wasn't having any of it, and they brawled down to the floor. Kushida rolled back in and hit his handspring double kick as Ciampa made it back to the apron.

Over the break, Ciampa regained control and knocked Kushida off the top with a chop. Ciampa looked to set up for the Air Raid Crash off the top but took too much time. An arm breaker led to a running dropkick in the ring. Kushida avoided the Fairy Tale Ending again and tore at Ciampa's arm one more time. A German suplex and enziguri rocked NXT's Blackheart.

Ciampa blocked an armbar, just barely, turning it into a sit-out powerbomb. As they both rose back up, they traded blows, leading to Ciampa getting the better of the Time Splitter with a fisherman driver.

Ciampa was able to avoid the arm trapped stomp but was rocked with a right hand from Kushida. The stomps finally landed, with Ciampa unable to escape them this time. The Hoverboard Lock was sinched in, but we never got to see the finish. Velveteen Dream came in with a diving elbow drop, accidentally hitting Tommaso Ciampa.

Results: Tommaso Ciampa defeated Kushida via DQ on NXT.

Grade: A

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