
WWE NXT Results (September 4th, 2019): Adam Cole defends the NXT Championship, three superstars get a shot at the Women's Title

The Breakout Star battles the Undisputed One for the NXT Championship
The Breakout Star battles the Undisputed One for the NXT Championship

After besting seven of NXT's next great Superstars, Jordan Myles earned a championship shot against any title on the roster. Tonight, Myles decided to cash in on that opportunity, challenging the Panama City Playboy, Adam Cole.

The Velveteen Dream also put on an exhibition tonight. His opponent? The Finest Kona Reeves, of course. However, it wasn't until after the match that Dream got burned by Undisputed Era's Roderick Strong.

We kicked off tonight's NXT with Breezango, sporting a new look and brand new theme, Big Poppa Pump sirens included.

Breezango vs Chase Parker & Matt Martel

Fandango started off the night against Martel, with Martel bringing him into the corner for a body shot. Parker tagged in and attempted a sunset flip. Fandango managed to maintain his balance and connected with a leg drop. In Breezango's corner, Breeze was tagged in, bringing Parker over with a suplex.

Bouncing off the ropes, Parker ran into a jumping forearm strike. A flying forearm in the corner allowed Breeze to admire his work from the top of the turnbuckle while angering his opponent. Parker tagged out to Martel, who was met with a standing dropkick and an arm drag. Breeze trapped Martel in a hammerlock. Martel broke out, though, and sent Breeze into Parker's foot.

Breeze fought out, managing to knock Martel off the apron with a forearm strike and drop Parker with an enziguri. Martel pulled Parker back into the corner, dragging Breeze in the process.

However, he finally escaped, leading to a tag to Fandango, who lit up Parker with a series of chops. Martel rushed the ring, leading to both men being dropped with snap powerslams. A falcon arrow to Parker set up Breezango's finish, the Fashion Faux Pas, for the win.

Results: Breezango defeated Chase Parker & Matt Martel via pinfall.

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